ANOTHER Whipsaw Signal

It appears as though today may be yet ANOTHER whipsaw signal on the sp500 delivered by yours truly.  The market cannot make up its mind whether it wants to go down or up and I am cannot either.  I am getting thrown around in the spin cycle of a washing machine.

Today was another good example why it is usually not a good idea to get a strong conviction during trading hours as opposed to the closing price and final message of the market.

The close today was a high volume shakeout reversal on most indices that printed a strong looking reversal hammer on a candlestick basis.

After today’s close the upside is looking more favorable again.  What a difference a few hours can make!

But you know what ?  I would rather be ‘light footed’ giving multiple whipsaw bad signals as I have during the last 2 weeks instead of being ‘heavy footed’ stubbornly sticking to a bearish signal and then getting crushed and staying in denial when the market goes against me.  Light footed is a good thing sometimes.

I may have to switch back to a BOT long signal again depending on how things look into next week.

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GLD Looks like a Buy above 151

The GLD ETF looks like a buy above 151.  The gold price has been quietly consolidating in sideways fashion the last month or so and all things considered has not undergone significant price destruction. The GLD appears to be in a coiled state right now and ideally would start to lift off tomorrow out of … Read more

BestOnlineTrades Nails the Low in the Market Again BOT Signal Chronology

After today’s price action in the sp500, it appears once again that BestOnlineTrades dot com has nailed the low in the market with a good amount of precision.

We do not claim to be perfect here at  We do not pick perfect bottoms and perfect tops, but we know how to read the tape and follow the price action and the volume resulting in occasional powerful long or short signals in the sp500.  During the last few weeks I have barely followed the economic or fundamental news.  I do not watch CNBC or read Bloomberg any more.

I would say that my exposure to business fundamental news stories is almost non existent.  I follow the tape 99% and maybe occasionally get 1% exposure to macro fundamental news (sometimes it is just impossible to avoid, ie. driving in the car and hear news summaries between commercial breaks etc.).

In fact, I would say that my lack of exposure to fundamental news stories and lack of interest in them puts BestOnlineTrades at a very key competitive advantage relative to many other market timers and newsletter writers and other traders.  Why?  Because I am making my decisions based solely on the tape action and the volume.  Not just that, but also the interpretation of them minus any news bias.

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Back to the Monthly Basics on the sp500

Back to the basics again.  The monthly basics.  I do short posts like this one just as a reality check.  It is very easy to get absorbed into the day by day action and the near term fear.

But the monthly chart of the sp500 right now since 3/2009 is still in an uptrend and still supported by an uptrend.  So, technically speaking I think we have to sit back and still say that as of today the sp500 is still in a mini bull market. 

Of course that could change next month or the month thereafter.  But as of this point in time the bull trend is holding.  It is simple point but an important one.  One that quite frankly I often forget to remind myself of.  It just goes to show how important it is to refresh the longer term time frames when it seems like the market is about to fall in a black hole.

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